Imagine working together to strengthen trust, generosity and collaboration in our community, to create opportunities for everyone to thrive.
It Takes a Town is community owned
We are here to activate a shared focus on creating more opportunity and ‘good stuff’ in the local area.
We’ve set a bold goal to Create a culture where trust, generosity and responsiveness to each other is the norm.
We believe everyone has a role to play. When we contribute according to our abilities, resources and skills, our community becomes a more resilient and connected place for all.
Our story so far
It takes a Town (ITAT) was launched in March 2017, with funding from the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation. We launched the same weekend that the devastating flooding of Cycle Debbie hit our region. With the generosity that followed the floods we were seeing responsiveness of our community; we didn’t have to educate anyone as we were seeing direct action before our eyes.
The people living in the 2484 postcode region are amongst the most diverse in Australia. We have unique talent, brilliant ideas and a good dose of passion. Add to the that the beauty and energy that pervades in our natural environment.
Our approach
ITAT utilises both asset-based community development (ABCD) and collective impact approaches. The premises on ITAT’s design is that by flipping the ecological model and focusing on community at the centre, we can create localised cultures that turn on protective factors for everyone.
our sponsors & backing organisations
ITAT is backed and auspiced by The Family Centre, which is a progressive, community-owned, social purpose organisation. The Family Centre creates opportunities for children, young people and families, increasing social value in the communities of Tweed, Byron, Ballina and Southern Gold Coast.